Lung Cancer Radiation Treatment in Singapore

Explore lung cancer treatment plans tailored to your specific needs to support your journey towards recovery.

What is lung cancer?

Girl in a jacket

The lungs are an integral part of the respiratory system that enables us to breathe. Breathing occurs when you take in oxygen by inhaling and releasing carbon dioxide during exhalation. Lung cancer refers to the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the lungs and is the leading cause of cancer deaths across the globe. In Singapore, it is the second most common cancer in men and the third among women. Men are three times more likely to develop lung cancer than women. Lung cancer begins in the lungs and can spread to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes or the brain.

There are two main types of lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). An aggressive form of lung cancer, SCLC usually spreads quickly through the bloodstream to other parts of the body. SCLC occurs almost exclusively in heavy smokers and is usually diagnosed at advanced stages. On the other hand, NSCLCs account for the majority of lung cancer cases and tend to be less aggressive. It includes various types of lung cancers such as adenocarcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. If the condition is detected early and treated immediately, successful recovery is possible. There are several lung cancer treatment options available including lung cancer radiation treatment, surgery and chemotherapy.

Find out more about lung cancer treatment in Singapore today to navigate your path to recovery with care and support.

Lung Cancer: Signs and Symptoms

  • Lung cancer tends to show signs and symptoms only in the advanced stages. Below are some of the symptoms of lung cancer. Should you experience any of them, it is advisable to visit a doctor. Depending on your condition, your doctor may recommend appropriate lung cancer treatment in Singapore, including radiation therapy.

    • Constant and Persistent Coughing

      Cancerous tumours can stimulate receptors in the airway, which results in persistent coughing. Chronic coughing can be distressful and affects many with lung cancer. It may worsen as the cancer progresses and becomes more advanced.

    • Shortness of Breath

      Lung cancer tumours may block airways, exert unnecessary pressure on the lungs, or cause inflammation in the respiratory system. In such instances, your respiratory system is prevented from working to its fullest ability. Breathing then becomes a challenge, which leads to shortness of breath.

    • Chest Pain

      Enlarged lymph nodes or metastasis to the chest wall, pleura, or ribs may result from lung cancer. This can cause chest pain. Additionally, you may also feel pain in your back or other parts of the body if the lung cancer has spread to your bones.

    • Coughing up Blood

      Hemoptysis is referred to as the condition of coughing up blood. The bronchial arterial bleeding within the tumour is often the cause of hemoptysis. If this symptom is caused by lung cancer, lung cancer radiation treatment therapy may be recommended.

    • Fluid in Chest

      Pleural effusion, also known as ‘water on the lungs’, occurs when excess fluid accumulates between layers of pleura outside the lungs. Cancer cells can increase pleural fluid production and decrease fluid absorption.

Risk Factors And Causes Of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer risks are influenced by a number of factors. Identifying and understanding these factors can help us better look into prevention methods, thus decreasing our overall risk. Below are some of the risks of lung cancer.

  • Smoking

Smoking damages the cells that line the lungs. By inhaling cigarette smoke, which is full of carcinogens, lung tissue changes almost immediately. Each repeated exposure damages the cells even more. Eventually, the cells start to act abnormally, and cancer develops. To treat this condition, lung cancer radiation treatment in Singapore may be recommended.

  • Exposure to Second-hand Smoke

    Second-hand smoke exposes non-smokers to many of the same cancer-causing substances. It is not risk-free, and even brief exposure poses health risks. In fact, second-hand smoke causes approximately 7,330 deaths from lung cancer.

  • Exposure to Carcinogens

Carcinogens are cancer-causing substances. Benzene, beryllium, asbestos, vinyl chloride, and arsenic are examples of chemicals that have been discovered to cause cancer. Cigarette smoke also contains a wide variety of carcinogens.

  • Family History of Lung Cancer

People with inherited DNA mutations (changes) are much more likely to develop certain types of cancer. Despite the fact that inherited mutations are considered to be a relatively rare cause of lung cancer, genes do play a role in some families with a history of the disease.

  • Air Pollution

    Exposure to air pollution may cause tiny particles to build up in the lungs, changing how cells replicate. DNA damage can occur, and hence, lung cancer ensues, which requires the need for lung cancer radiation and other forms of treatment.

If you are worried about how these factors may impact your health, consult a lung cancer treatment specialist in Singapore for personalised guidance.


Understanding the Stages of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is classified into four main stages:

  • Stage 1: Cancer is localised and has not spread beyond the lungs.
  • Stage 2: Cancer may have spread to nearby lymph nodes or tissues.
  • Stage 3: Cancer has spread to distant lymph nodes or other areas of the chest.
  • Stage 4: Advanced cancer that has metastasized to distant organs.
    Your doctor will determine the stage of your lung cancer and recommend the most suitable lung cancer treatment in Singapore based on this diagnosis.

What is Radiation Therapy?

Prostate cancer radiation treatment is an option recommended for patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. It uses high-energy X-rays generated from a radiation therapy machine called a LINAC to destroy cancer cells. Prostate cancer radiation treatment has long been used to kill tumours without the need for surgical operations. It inhibits cancer cells from multiplying by delivering ionising radiation to destroy cancer cells while minimising radiation damage to normal tissues. When these cancer cells die, the body naturally eliminates them. Healthy, normal tissues are then able to repair themselves in a way that cancer cells cannot, leading to a much higher proportion of tumour cell death compared to normal cells.

Preventing Lung Cancer

The risk of lung cancer can be decreased by not smoking and avoiding exposure to second-hand smoke. Damaged lung tissues may gradually repair themselves if a smoker quits before cancer develops. The sooner one quits smoking, the lower the risk of developing lung cancer. Taking precautions at work and wearing protective gear to prevent unnecessary exposure to workplace carcinogens help too.

No doubt, integrating healthier lifestyle choices reduces the risk of most cancers, including lung cancer. One way to do this is to eat a healthy diet. Studies suggest that eating fruits and vegetables may help smokers and non-smokers prevent lung cancer. However, any positive effects from fruits and vegetables would pale in comparison with the increased risk associated with smoking. Smokers with lung cancer may require lung cancer treatment in Singapore, such as radiation therapy, based on their doctor’s recommendations.

Another way to live a healthier lifestyle is to exercise regularly. Even moderate amounts of exercise can aid in lung cancer prevention. Regular exercise improves lung function, reduces carcinogens, and enhances the body’s ability to repair damaged DNA in lung cells. The City of Hope National Medical Center in California conducted a review, revealing that routine physical activity can lower lung cancer risk by between 20% and 30% in women and between 20% and 50% in men.

"I guarantee my very best expertise delivered with compassion and dignity as we journey TOGETHER to BEAT this dreaded illness."

- Dr Johann Tang

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Lung Cancer: What Are The Available Treatments?

Lung cancer treatment varies from patient to patient, depending on their condition. Treatment options include lung cancer radiation treatment, chemotherapy, surgery, and targeted therapy. Ultimately, it is advisable for lung cancer patients to consult their doctor to find a suitable lung cancer treatment option tailored to them.  

  • Lung Cancer Radiation Therapy

    This commonly used radiation treatment kills cancer cells that are still localised to a region of the lung and within its lymph nodes. The powerful, high-energy X-rays from lung cancer radiation therapy can also keep the cancer cells from growing.

  • Chemotherapy

    Chemotherapy plays a key role in treating SCLCs and is frequently used in combination with lung cancer radiation treatment for later stages of lung cancer. It works by preventing the cancer cells from growing, dividing, and making more cells.

  • Surgery

    Surgery is more frequently used to treat earlier stages of lung cancer, such as stages one and two. It may involve removing the tumour, surrounding lung tissue, and lymph nodes in the region of the tumour.

  • Targeted Therapy

    In targeted therapy, drugs are used to target specific genes and proteins associated with cancer cell growth and survival. It is beneficial for patients who have cancer cells with abnormal genetic mutations that make them more vulnerable. Your doctor may combine targeted therapy with chemotherapy and other treatments to treat your lung cancer.

Explore lung cancer treatments in Singapore personalised to your needs and condition. Contact us today for guidance and compassionate care on your journey to recovery.

Preparing For Lung Cancer Surgery

If surgery is recommended, your doctor will arrange a consultation to describe the operative procedure and explain the approach and risks involved. Use this opportunity to take plenty of notes, and do not hesitate to ask questions.

Before your surgery, you may be required to undergo several test screenings to assess your overall health and the extent of the cancer. This information can help your doctor make decisions about your risks and how to manage your recovery.

Meanwhile, maintain your health by exercising regularly and eating a well-balanced and healthy diet before surgery. Avoid consuming a heavy meal the night before your operation. If you are a smoker, attempt to quit smoking, as it can hinder the healing process and increase the risk of complications. Lung cancer treatment in Singapore, including surgery, is tailored to minimise risks and support recovery.

Consult your doctor if you are on medications or taking vitamins and supplements. They can provide guidance on whether the dosage needs to be adjusted or temporarily stopped before the surgery.

Recovering From Lung Cancer Surgery

Lung cancer surgery is a major surgery. As a result, it will take time for you to recover fully. You will likely spend a few days in the hospital for monitoring before being discharged and undergoing a period of recovery.

Proper post-surgery care is vital for a smooth recovery and optimal healing. Your doctor will recommend you get plenty of rest and engage in light exercises, like walking, to aid circulation and prevent blood clots. For those undergoing lung cancer treatment in Singapore, following your doctor’s post-surgery recommendations is essential for effective recovery. Avoid strenuous activities until your doctor has given you the green light.

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Contact Dr Johann Tang

ME Novena Specialist Group
@ Mt. Elizabeth Novena Hospital

Address: 38 Irrawaddy Road #08-36/7/8/9 Singapore 329563
Telephone: +65 6690 6811
Fax: +65 6690 6828
Whatsapp: +65 9641 4747
Clinic Hours: Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 12:00pm

Sat: 8:30am-12:00pm

Sun & Public Holidays: Closed

ME Novena Specialist Group Pte Ltd
@ Proton Therapy SG

Address: Amnios Building 1 Biopolis Drive, #01-01 Singapore 138622
Telephone: +65 6690 6811
Fax: +65 6690 6828
Whatsapp: +65 9641 4747
Clinic Hours: Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 12:00pm

Sat: 8:30am – 1:00pm

Sun & Public Holidays: Closed

ME Novena Specialist Group
@ Mt Alvernia

Address: 820 Thomson Road, #06-65/66 Mount Alvernia Hospital Medical Centre Block D Singapore 574623
Telephone: +65 6690 6811
Fax: +65 6690 6828
Whatsapp: +65 9641 4747
Clinic Hours: Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 12:00pm

Sat: 8:30am-12:00pm

Sun & Public Holidays: Closed

ME Novena Specialist Group Pte Ltd
@ Farrer Park Hospital

Address: 1 Farrer Park Station Road, #11-01 Connexion Singapore 217562
Telephone: +65 6690 6811
Fax: +65 6690 6828
Whatsapp: +65 9641 4747
Clinic Hours: Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 12:00pm

Sat: 8:30am-12:00pm

Sun & Public Holidays: Closed

Frequently Asked Question

Lung cancer does not necessarily mean a death sentence. Early detection is key to a better outcome. Hence screening, or visiting the doctor when symptoms develop is vital. Visit our homepage to learn about the importance of early diagnosis.

There are several treatment options for lung cancer, including immunotherapy, surgery, radiation treatment and chemotherapy. Ultimately, treatment success depends on your stage of the cancer and what treatment your doctor recommends. You can learn more about our approach on our About Us page or browse our Blog for patient stories and updates.

The overall risk is low, and only 8% of lung cancers run in families. It is commonly associated with smoking. Nevertheless, discussing your family history with your doctor is a good option for those with health concerns. For further information, check our News & Events page for insights into hereditary cancer risks.

While surgery may work better for one patient, lung cancer radiation treatment may be better suited for another. It depends on the condition and what your doctor advises and the patient’s lung function at the time of diagnosis. Visit our homepage to learn about the various approaches to lung cancer care.

Finding out about cancer is never easy. It is recommended to talk to family and friends and lean on them for support. Alternatively, you can also talk to a therapist and remember to take care of your health by eating and sleeping well. It is also imperative to begin your lung cancer treatment promptly, as starting treatment early can improve your chances of recovery. Read more about managing your diagnosis on our Blog.

It takes most lung cancers between three and six months to double in size. Therefore, it could take several years before lung cancer reaches a size where it can be detected by a chest X-ray. Stay informed about the progression of lung cancer by visiting our News & Events page.