Change in bowel habits (e.g diarrhoea, constipation or stool consistency), Rectal bleeding, Persistent discomfort in the abdomen (e.g: cramps, pain or bloatedness)
Upper abdominal pain, General weakness and fatigue, Yellow discolouration of skin and white of eyes, Nausea and vomiting
Loss of appetite, Yellow discolouration of skin and white of eyes, Change in bowel habits (pale stools), Nausea and vomiting
Poor appetite, Weight loss, Abdominal pain, Nausea and vomiting
Blood in urine, Lump in the abdomen, Extreme tiredness, Pain in the back of the side
This depends on the type of cancer that you have been diagnosed with, but typically the following tests or procedures will be involved:
Treatment depends on the stage of cancer, as well as the general medical condition of the patient
Surgery is the main treatment for early stages. Chemotherapy is required for more advanced stages.
Surgery is the main treatment for early stages. In more advaced stages, chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be required. Radiation therapy can also be given to palliative localised symptoms such as pain, bleeding and obstruction.
Surgery is the main treatment for localised cancer. Chemotherapy is used in patients with advanced cancer. Radiation therapy can be given to palliate symptoms such as pain and bleeding.
Surgery is the main treatment for early stages. Chemotherapy is required for advanced stages. Radiation therapy techniques such as stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) or intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) can be used in selected patients to treat lesions that are not suitable for chemotherapy or surgery.
Surgery is the main treatment for localised cancer. Chemotherapy is used in patients who are not suitable for surgery. Radiation therapy is given together with chemotherapy for patients who have unresectable disease and for selected cases after surgery. It can also be given to palliate symptoms such as pain and bleeding.
The Radiation Oncologist determines the most appropriate method and discusses with you the treatment intent, schedule, risks and side-effects.
A CT scan of the treatment area will be obtained, while three small full-stop size marks are made to ensure accurate positioning during your daily treatment.
A multidisciplinary team produces a customised treatment plan for you.
Radiation therapy for abdominal cancers is delivered daily (Mondays to Fridays) for two to seven weeks. Each treatment session lasts 10 to 15 minutes.
Your first follow-up appointment varies depending on how you do during treatment, and is usually about four to six weeks after you have completed the course of radiation therapy.
3DCRT delivers very precise doses of radiation to the affected area and spares surrounding normal tissue through a machine called a linear accelerator
IMRT involves varying (or modulating) the intensity of the radiation being delivered during treatment. Compared to 3DCRT, this technique can deliver more tightly focused radiation beams to cancerous tumours while reducing the amount of radiation to surrounding healthy tissues.
SBRT makes use of precise positioning, immobilisation devices and multiple treatment beams delivered in different planes to achieve highly focused radiation therapy targeting suitable tumours. This allows larger radiation doses to be delivered during each treatment, thereby shortening the treatment duration without compromising safety.
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This may depend on the specific area of treatment and can include :
Many of these side effects can be controlled with medication. Please inform your doctor or nurse if you are experiencing any discomfort so that they can help you feel better. Late side effects, such as chronic diarrhoea can occur months to years after treatment in some patients. There are other rare side effects, such as bleeding and obstruction of the intertine, damage to the liver and kidneys which may affect less than five percent of our patients.
Immediate benefits of less airway irritation with less cough and shortness of breath.
Even gently short bouts of activity helps! Improves mood, reduces fatigue, and helps with appetite.
Inform your doctor if you are taking medications, to make sure that they are safe to use during radiation therapy.
Avoid hot or cold packs and only use lotions and ointments after checking with your doctor or nurse. Clean the affected area with lukewarm water and mild soap
Mental and emotional health is as important as physical health. It might be helpful to talk to counsellors or join a cancer support group.
It is good to have someone who can help to keep track of hospital appointments and medications prescribed.
Get plenty of rest during treatment.
Makes you feel better, have fewer side effects, and allows you to fight infections better.