Radiation therapy has been successfully and effectively used in cancer treatments for over a century. It uses high doses of radiation to damage the DNA of cancer cells, stopping them from dividing, and eventually killing them over time.
However, radiation damages normal cells as well as cancer cells causing numerous side effects. Over the years other diverse treatment methods like chemotherapy and immunotherapy were developed, but come with their own issues as well.
Today, with advances in medical technology which can mitigate the downsides, radiation therapy has re-emerged as one the leading staples of cancer treatment. This is down to technological innovations, the relative safety of radiation therapy, and its versatility as a treatment modality.
1. Advances in Technology
Radiation therapy in Singapore has come a long way since its inception. Modern radiation therapy uses higher doses of radiation over fewer treatment cycles. This reduces the amount of damage sustained by healthy tissue while also killing off a greater number of cancer cells. Coupled with more sophisticated imaging technologies like CAT scans, PET scans, and MRIs, it’s a winning formula that has drastically improved cancer treatments.
One example would be technologies like Proton Therapy, utilising proton beams rather than high-energy photons in their treatment. Proton beams do not scatter radiation as they travel through the body, minimising the amount of normal tissue that is exposed to harmful radiation.
Internal radiation therapy, also called Brachytherapy, is another form of treatment that has been found to be effective. Sealed radioactive capsules are implanted into the body, near the tumour, using catheters or needles. Using this implant confers several benefits as it allows higher amounts of radiation in a more limited area as would be possible via external radiation therapy.
Learn More: Understanding Brachytherapy And How It Treats Cancers
2. Safer Treatment Procedures
Radiation therapy, whether internal or external, is much safer today than ever before. With high-tech imaging equipment, Radiation Oncologists in Singapore are now able to have accurate 3-D visualisations of tumours. This allows them to calibrate the radiation delivery to target the cancer cells with the right dose of radiation.
Even before the treatment itself, Oncologists work with patients to formulate the right plan to tackle their cancer while looking to reduce incidences of side-effects. With a wider range of radiation therapy options available, physicians can select the treatment type that suits the patient. This dramatically improves the safety record of radiation therapy and makes it an even more viable option for cancer patients.
3. Can Be Combined With Other Treatment Options
Radiation therapy also complements other forms of cancer treatments extremely well. Surgery can remove the bulk of the tumour while follow up radiation therapy can help irradiate the cancer cells that might have invaded adjacent tissue. Radiation therapy can also be used preoperatively or intraoperatively as required.
Chemotherapy is another form of treatment that gels well with radiation therapy. Combining chemotherapy with radiation therapy can lead to improved outcomes. Chemotherapy drugs can also be modified to improve the efficacy of certain types of radiation therapy.
Lastly, immunotherapy and radiation therapy has also shown promise in improving treatment strategies for cancer patients.
Radiation therapy has been used in cancer treatment for decades. Even as novel new treatment methods have been developed, radiation therapy remains viable as medical technology improves the accuracy delivery methods. It is relatively safe and is flexible enough to be used alongside other treatment options.
With over 20 years of experience in the field, Dr Johann Tang is a Radiation Oncologist in Singapore who is committed to offering medical treatment that’s based on proven clinical studies. Contact us today to make an appointment to learn more, and send us any queries you may have about radiotherapy costs in Singapore.
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Dr Johann Tang
Senior Consultant Radiation Oncologist
Medical Director of ME Novena Specialist Group Pte Ltd
MBBS (Aust), FRANZCR (Radiation Oncology)
Dr Johann Tang is the Senior Consultant and Medical Director of ME Novena Specialist Group Pte Ltd. at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital and an Assistant Professor at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University Singapore.
Why Choose Dr Johann Tang
Dr Johann Tang is an experienced radiation oncologist and cancer doctor who aims to deliver the highest level of care to his patients, especially when it comes to radiation therapy and cancer treatment. As a cancer specialist in Singapore, he is dedicated to understanding each patient’s condition and providing holistic, customised care that is both effective and compassionate. With ethics and empathy at the core of our practice, we strive to understand your individual needs and provide care that is compassionate and responsive.
"I guarantee my very best expertise delivered with compassion and dignity as we journey TOGETHER to BEAT this dreaded illness."
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