Diagnosed With Breast Cancer: What To Do Next?

Medically reviewed by Dr Johann Tang, Senior Consultant Radiation Oncologist

A cancer diagnosis is overwhelming for a lot of people. Everyone reacts differently and the rush of emotions and thoughts can make it hard to decide on the next steps to take. Fortunately, with our many years of experience helping cancer patients, we know how to help them come to terms with their diagnosis, prioritise their tasks, and chart a path ahead. Read on to find out what to do next when you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer.

1. Schedule An Appointment With An Oncologist

Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer among women in Singapore. 1 in 13 women will get breast cancer in their lifetimes and each year 2,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in Singapore. So if you have just gotten a breast cancer diagnosis, it’s important to realise that you are not alone.

The first step to take would be to schedule an appointment with an Oncologist. There are different types of breast cancer and a meeting with a medical professional can define the severity of your condition and determine the recommended treatment protocol. In many cases, early intervention leads to better outcomes, so you should be looking to discuss your options with your breast cancer doctor in Singapore as soon as possible.

Prepare A List Of Questions -breast cancer doctor

2. Prepare A List Of Questions 

A good way to cope with the flood of thoughts when confronted with a cancer diagnosis, is to write down the questions you have. It can organise your thoughts and calm you down. It also has the added benefit of helping you make an informed decision as you can ask your Oncologist these questions to learn more about your condition.

Before your appointment, prepare a list of the most important medical queries to ask your breast cancer doctor. Questions about treatment options, recovery timelines, and impacts to your quality of life should be at the top of the list. Keep in mind that your Oncologist may only be able to give you rough estimates as there are many factors involved in cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.

3. Understand Your Information Comfort Level

While getting answers to important questions is generally good, you also need to understand what is known as your information comfort level. Sometimes the sheer amount of information overload can leave patients unable to decide what to do next or which treatment path to pursue.

At these points it can be useful to determine your information comfort level. Do you need to know every detail about your condition and the recommended breast cancer treatment? Or would you prefer just the most pertinent details required for you to make a decision? Discuss with your Oncologist about your information comfort level. They are trained to handle the emotional aspects of a cancer diagnosis and can be key in helping you through the process.

Learn More: Understanding Breast Cancer And Its Available Treatments

4. Confirm Your Treatment Plan With Your Oncologist

Cancer treatments have advanced rapidly in the last few decades. Innovative procedures can now improve survival rates and reduce side effects. Patients with breast cancer should take the time to carefully go over the treatment plan with their Oncologist to understand why it is the recommended course of action. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about alternative treatments but be willing to trust your Oncologist’s opinion.

Let Your Family Members Know-breast cancer treatment in Singapore

5. Let Your Family Members Know 

It can be instinctive to want to protect your loved ones by hiding your breast cancer diagnosis from them so as to not burden them. However, the truth is that family support is an extremely important aspect of coping with breast cancer. Nobody should have to face cancer alone and you should give your family the chance to rally around you and support you through your breast cancer treatment in Singapore.

No one can be adequately prepared to receive a cancer diagnosis. It’s perfectly normal to feel lost or confused on what to do next. The steps outlined above can guide you through the most important and urgent steps that need to be taken first.

With ethics and empathy as our guiding principles, we put patients first as we journey with them from diagnosis to treatment completion. As a Radiation Oncologist for over 20 years, Dr Johann Tang has the experience to provide patients with professional medical care. Contact us today to learn more about our clinic and send in your questions. Our support team will get back to you with answers and set up an appointment if required.

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Dr Johann Tang

Senior Consultant Radiation Oncologist
Medical Director of ME Novena Specialist Group Pte Ltd
MBBS (Aust), FRANZCR (Radiation Oncology)

Dr Johann Tang is the Senior Consultant and Medical Director of ME Novena Specialist Group Pte Ltd. at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital and an Assistant Professor at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University Singapore.

Why Choose Dr Johann Tang

Dr Johann Tang is an experienced radiation oncologist and cancer doctor who aims to deliver the highest level of care to his patients, especially when it comes to radiation therapy and cancer treatment. As a cancer specialist in Singapore, he is dedicated to understanding each patient’s condition and providing holistic, customised care that is both effective and compassionate. With ethics and empathy at the core of our practice, we strive to understand your individual needs and provide care that is compassionate and responsive.

Accomplished Radiation Oncologist

Dr Johann Tang is an accomplished radiation oncologist and cancer specialist in Singapore, with over 20 years of experience treating various cancers in both adults and children and numerous accolades to his name. Dr Tang was at NUH for 18 years, from 2001 to 2019. Dr Tang spearheaded and built the breast brachytherapy (Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation APBI), outpatient interstitial image-guided cervical brachytherapy, and paediatric radiation therapy services at NUH to provide an array of the latest and best cancer treatment options for patients. As a cancer doctor, Dr Tang is also passionately involved in research, having authored numerous peer-reviewed publications and won several research prizes. He is currently the Senior Consultant and Medical Director of ME Novena Specialist Group.

Evidence-based Treatments

Dr Johann Tang and his team utilise technology that has proven to be effective in cancer treatment. Having decades of experience in treating and researching the disease has enabled Dr Tang to remain current and on top of best practices and novel techniques, providing his patients with full assurance that they are receiving the most effective cancer treatment available in Singapore.

Patient-centered Care

Dr Johann Tang’s patients are his top priority. He journeys with them from diagnosis until the completion of treatment. With Dr Tang, all patients can be fully assured that their clinical needs and well-being are attended to. Dr Tang is also passionately involved in research, having authored numerous peer-reviewed publications and winning several research prizes.

"I guarantee my very best expertise delivered with compassion and dignity as we journey TOGETHER to BEAT this dreaded illness."

- Dr Johann Tang

Make An Enquiry

Got Queries? Book an appointment with Dr Johann Tang by filling up this form. We'll get on a call with you as soon as possible.

Prefer to talk? Call us directly at +65 6690 6811
or email us at drjohanntang@gmail.com

Contact Dr Johann Tang

ME Novena Specialist Group
@ Mt. Elizabeth Novena Hospital

  • 38 Irrawaddy Road #08-36/7/8/9 Singapore 329563
  • drjohanntang@gmail.com
  • Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 12:00pm

    Sat: 8:30am-12:00pm

    Sun & Public Holidays: Closed

ME Novena Specialist Group Pte Ltd
@ Proton Therapy SG

  • Amnios Building 1 Biopolis Drive, #01-01 Singapore 138622
  • drjohanntang@gmail.com
  • Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 12:00pm

    Sat: 8:30am – 1:00pm

    Sun & Public Holidays: Closed

ME Novena Specialist Group
@ Mt Alvernia

  • 820 Thomson Road, #06-65/66 Mount Alvernia Hospital Medical Centre Block D Singapore 574623
  • drjohanntang@gmail.com
  • Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 12:00pm

    Sat: 8:30am-12:00pm

    Sun & Public Holidays: Closed

ME Novena Specialist Group Pte Ltd
@ Farrer Park Hospital

  • 1 Farrer Park Station Road, #11-01 Connexion Singapore 217562
  • drjohanntang@gmail.com
  • Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 12:00pm

    Sat: 8:30am-12:00pm

    Sun & Public Holidays: Closed